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PB, aged 22

I was waiting at the bar for my drink and a man (I know his name from friends of friends) pushed up against me and groped my bum. I felt violated and shocked that someone felt that they could do that to MY body without MY consent. When I look back now, I feel frustrated and annoyed at myself for not challenging him, asking him what gives him the right to go around doing that to people. Instead, I turned around and looked at his stupid smirking face before walking over to my friends because, honestly, I didn’t know how to deal with it and I felt powerless. I also didn’t want to cause a scene or be known as someone who didn’t know how to take a joke or something? But it wasn’t funny to me, and I know in the grand scheme of things, it’s not a big deal and people have dealt with far worse, but it is this toxic mindset that normalises objectifying women and I just wish I’d had the confidence to call him out and made him feel as small as he’d tried to make me feel.