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Asked to get in car

Followed, propositioned, catcalled

Jennifer, aged 21 2019 I was walking home alone after a night out. It must’ve been about 6am in the morning – I remember as it was December time and near Christmas. A group of men in a black BMW started following me down Central Drive near the Castle pub, all the way down to the gymnasium...

Spiked/sexual assault

Aged 18 2021 I was with two of my girl friends. One of them had been spiked and all our phones were dead, it was after 4am and we were stranded on the street in Blackpool with our friend who was unable to move or see. There was no one around. It was clear she had been spiked as she was...


3 November 2022Aged 18 I met a man who introduced himself to me as Adam (although this might be a fake name), at a Halloween themed event in Blackpool. We exchanged phone numbers and I gave him my name, and after that I thought I’d seen the last of him. I was quite confident that I...


1999 Roxanne, aged 12 A man in a black Corsa who lived near me had followed me on my walk to school, which had been for about a mile. He eventually rolled his window down and asked me to get in the car. I refused and he persisted, I eventually ran through a park so he couldn’t...

Asked to get inside a man’s car

2001 Aged 5 I was outside Tescos with my mum and a man we did not know in a car pulled up and kept insisting that he wanted to drive us home. My mum told him to go away and he eventually did. We only lived 5 minutes away but ended up walking in the opposite direction and taking a longer...