J, Aged 15
I was out with someone who I was with at the time and thought I could trust. I was only 15 and had a naïve outlook on boys and what they wanted. I went out with this boy one day and we went to a park he pinned me up against a wall shoving his body into me aggressively slamming me against the wall multiple times. He then went into my pants and started to touch me even as people were walking by. I later told my friends about it and it got spread around everyone. To this day people still call me a liar and a slag, every horrible thing you could think of. No one believes me as he was the “golden boy”. It sticks with me in my new and healthy relationship and every time i go to this park (in FY3). It’s always in the back of my mind. I felt like i couldn’t report it as my friends already thought i was lying. He knows who he is and what he did.