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Pestered to have sex

Angela, age 65

I had been to a concert, Evelyn Glynnie at the Marine Hall in Fleetwood with a couple of my choir members. Afterwards we went to a pub in in Cleveleys where one of the party was trying to talk me into going with one of his friends to his carpet shop for sex. I had never met this man before and I felt humiliated. Apparently he was going through a tough time at home. It was an awful experience. I do not drink alcohol but if I did then my guard would have been lowered and goodness knows what would have happened. I cried when I got home. I don’t feel safe going out at night, maybe one of the pubs in Blackpool could have a women’s hour in the afternoon once a week. I would love to go out for lunch and a glass of wine and know I was safe.

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