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Hate Speech

2024 Whilst sat in galleon with a friend for Xmas drinks we were approached by a man. He started to make innapropriate racist comments to us. We told him we weren’t interested in what he had to say. He then started calling us gay, just because we didn’t want to speak to him. The...


Aged 26, 2024 I was walking through town whilst shopping and was approached by a man who asked if I had a lighter he could borrow. I told him ‘no sorry’ and walked away. After a few minutes I realised he was walking in the same direction as me which gave me the creeps. I stopped and...


Alice Aged 27, 2024 I chose to walk down the path nearest the beach. Once I was walking down I noticed a man of around 50, around 5ft10 and with dark hair watching me as I walked nearer. I moved as far to the side of him as possible. He said hello and asked how I was, I said hello back...


Tamzin White, Aged 24 2024 I was walking to work on my usually route along West Park Drive. The same men drive past EVERY other day without fail. At first I put it down to the time of day being the same each day but I’ve recently changed hours and they seem to know if it’s an 11am I’m in...

Attempted Grooming

RK, aged 16 2009 My friend and I would always order a takeaway from a Church Street takeaway (close to the number 3 pub) as it wasn’t far from my house and we would walk down to pick it up. We were there once a week at least for a few weeks, the staff there were always friendly and...


RK, Aged 29 2019 I used to work on Birley Street and a man approx in his 40s would come into our shop quite frequently. He was always a little bit dirty and smelly. He was a customer though so I would always say good morning and tell him to have a nice day. He started coming to the shop...

Catcalled and chased

Aged 15 2022 When I was walking to my boyfriend’s house for the first time a man with his top off on a bike started to look at me across the road smiling. I smiled back but he must have taken that for something else and he rode his bike behind me for a minute and then went in front...


Jessica Aged 26 I walked past a building site (scaffolding on a house) and one of the scaffolders shouted “you alright you love? I could do with a woman like you on this building site.” It instantly killed my mood. I was just trying to walk to school to pick up my son. Things like this...


2024 Aged 16 I was walking home from college when I saw two men approach on a narrower part of the pavement. When closer one of them said “I’ll let you past” followed by “I’ll let you past any day of the week” and “especially with that blue hair” and something else I couldn’t make out as...

Sexually assaulted

Nicole, aged 23 2018 On a night out, on the phone to my boyfriend and two very young men walked passed. One lifted my dress whilst the other slapped my bum REALLY hard that it set me off straight away. I started following them back with one heel in hand as they ran away. However a gang of...


Bella, aged 19 2019 After arguing with my boyfriend on a night out he left me crying in the street. About two minutes later a group of five lads all crowded around me, berating me and making fun of me. When I walked away they all followed me my entire walk home taking pictures of me...


Aged 33


I went to drop off a Vinted parcel at the Post Office. Turned around to walk out of the shop and a man was stood in my way, blocking the way out. He muttered “we have to stop meeting like this” under his breath. He was a total stranger.