Sophie, aged 23
I was riding my bike down Dickson Road and a man on a bike followed me about 100 metres on his bike. I tried to speed up but not make it obvious but he did speed up and slowed slightly riding in front of me so I couldnt go any faster and started the questions… how are you, where you from, can i have your number? I had airpods in so i pretended I couldn’t hear him to buy me time . I think I might have said, ‘Hold on, let me turn this music off cause I can’t hear you’. I proceeded to call my dad, hiding my screen from the man. He kept chatting me up even tho I said, ‘Can you leave me alone please’ as I waited for my Dad to answer. Dad answered and I said, ‘Hi Dad, there is a stranger who wont leave me alone please can you come and help me out”. Dad then proceeded to tell the man to leave me be. He looked very worried as soon as he heard a male voice and started to get his bike ready to leave, he went. I was so so shaken up and scared I am now shaking as I remember it. If I hadn’t have called my Dad just in time I truly believe I may have been raped or assulted.